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Writer's pictureChristy

Who needs catnip?

I came downstairs to find my cat, Dozer, loving on a bottle of Jim Beam Honey. Now I have to agree, it is quite tasty. I'm still teaching my palate about different bourbon, and this one I have found to be easy to drink on ice or added to hot tea. That being said, Dozer can forget it if he thinks I'm sharing.

My house is always full of animals. I was on the board for a wonderful animal rescue, EASEL Animal Rescue League, for several years. During that time, I got to foster many animals, most being kittens. Bottle feeding is a lot of work, but so incredibly rewarding when you see a happy, healthy kitten find its forever home. EASEL is good at making perfect matches.

I had several senior dogs, 6 in total. This past year I lost 2 due to complications of old age and a stubborn, adorable Frenchie with a degenerative spine issue that unfortunately after 3 surgeries, yep 3, he developed neurological challenges to big for his little body. Losing pets is so hard, and that is a time you will see me baking more. I admittedly love to feed my sadness with cake. I still wouldn't give up having my pets in my life - the happy times far outweigh the sad.

Currently I have 2 senior dogs, Lucy and Blue, and several cats. Except for the old lady, Phoebe, who just turned 16, my cats are young and all previous fosters. All are entertaining, and I have to say, I have never had a problem with dogs and cats getting along, even with having large dogs who are herders by nature, like my border collie Roscoe. My lab/staffing mix, Webster, loved the cats and would often be found snuggling with them. Good, long, and patient introductions make a happy household.

So now here I am, trying to bake, and finding I have a constant companion, Dozer. He loves to watch everything I do and love up on everything in the vicinity of me to get attention. That would be great if I didn't have to consistently remind him to stay off my counter. The other cats don't really care because they get nothing from it. You might see fat Frank if he smells chicken but still a rarity because that takes effort.

I'm not complaining, per se, but I think I'm almost getting a complex he's watching and judging me. Cats have a good way of doing that. Of course, it could be he also knows where the Greenies are and is trying to get me to indulge him. You just never know. Cats are such funny creatures. I know they are plotting all the time. They always have an agenda when they're looking around or hiding under the bed so they can jump out and startle you. Axel and Ozzie love that game. I guess maybe they are trying to figure us out as much as we are trying to figure them out.

I think maybe I'll just start staring back, though that's probably only get a head bump from Dozer. He never takes me seriously.

See that photo? Judgy, right?

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