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This site is all about easy, fun cooking and baking with bourbon. I love, love, love baking. Did I say I love baking. And I'm trying to get better at cooking. It's a process. There will never be anything that difficulty because I just don't do tedious. If there is a shortcut, I use it. I like simple ingredients and simple steps. There is just too much going on in life to spend all of it in the kitchen for someone like myself who is a home cook. I prefer making yummy food, then spending time with my friends, family, and pets. I find the most delicious meals come from fresh ingredients and few complications. That being said, don't ask me to make a pie crust when I can buy a very good premade one. Yep, that's one of my shortcuts. Saves me 30 mins or more out of my day. That's a manicure or a walk with my dogs. 


My fun with bourbon and baking started when I had my first bourbon cocktail just over a year ago. I had always been a vodka drinker, however it was autumn. I felt like I needed something that fit the season. The cocktail was apple and cinnamon infused bourbon with lemon and angostura bitters. It was so good, like a comfort drink, I had 3, and yes, I was not driving home that evening. I'm responsible like that. That took me on a journey of trying all sorts of fun bourbon cocktails. I do like to sip a good bourbon on ice, however it took quite some time to get my palate adjusted to appreciate it straight. Even so, I only partake on occasion. I still prefer fun cocktails. Call me girly.

So, knowing my favorite pastime when I get stressed is baking, I started added bourbon to my recipes. Boozy desserts were so yummy, I decided to try it with cooking too. I have a huge binder of recipes from my late uncle just waiting to be tested. I made a lot of mistakes. I still do. It's the only way to learn. I will definitely share those mistakes as I go. Some recipes I make up. Others are from clippings or written from my uncle or other relatives. I will always give credit where credit is due. My goal is just to share good food and hopefully give a few good laughs from my mistakes and journey. I am a Southern girl, and comfort food is ingrained in my soul. It's my feel good food, so you will see a lot of southern influence. (And yes, I do say ya'll!) Hopefully I entertain a few people and share some food. love. Happy baking and thanks for checking us out!


Christy lives in NJ with her husband, cats and dogs. Originally from FL and NC, she's a Southern girl at heart. That means she likes too much ice in her drinks and softens the blow of insults with "bless her heart". Besides this blog, she loves reading mysteries and trashy novels, sharing food and drinks with friends, cuddles with her pets, and fresh air and fun. She prefers Converse and jeans over high heels and skirts, but will take a manicure any day. 


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